An API (Application Programming Interface) key is a code used to identify and authenticate an application or user. They provide a secret token to help with authentication.


It is of utmost importance that you copy and save your API keys once created. Once the API key pop-up is closed, you will not be able to retrieve this API key.

Generate an API key

You will need an API key to authenticate yourself for all API calls that you make.

  1. Tap on Workspace Settings on the bottom left corner of the navigation menu and click 'API Keys' which opens up the API Keys page.
  2. Click the Generate + button.
  3. Enter a unique identifier for your API key
  4. Enter the IP addresses you want to whitelist this API Key's usage to, if required.
  5. Select the environment you would like to use this API Key for. This can be:
    1. Both
    2. Test
    3. Live
  6. Before clicking on Create, make sure to click on the check mark.
  7. Before closing the pop-up, make sure to copy the Workspace ID and API key.


You can only create 20 API Keys on your Fyno account.