API Keys
An API (Application Programming Interface) key is a code used to identify and authenticate an application or user. They provide a secret token to help with authentication.
It is of utmost importance that you copy and save your API keys once created. Once the API key pop-up is closed, you will not be able to retrieve this API key.
Generate an API key
You will need an API key to authenticate yourself for all API calls that you make.
- Tap on Workspace Settings on the bottom left corner of the navigation menu and click 'API Keys' which opens up the API Keys page.
- Click the Generate + button.
- Enter a unique identifier for your API key
- Enter the IP addresses you want to whitelist this API Key's usage to, if required.
- Select the environment you would like to use this API Key for. This can be:
- Both
- Test
- Live
- Before clicking on Create, make sure to click on the check mark.
- Before closing the pop-up, make sure to copy the Workspace ID and API key.
You can only create 20 API Keys on your Fyno account.
Updated 7 months ago