Logs Archival

Logs Archival shows the retention period of different logs managed by Fyno. You can access this from Workspace Settings (bottom left corner in menu) -> Add On's -> Logs Archival

By default, we provide the following retention period. If you want to extend the retention period beyond the default duration, please write to [email protected]

Log TypeDefault Retention PeriodMaximum Retention Period
Sent (Raw) logs7 days90 days
Notification Event logs7 days90 days
Workflow logs3 days90 days
Inbound logs7 days90 days
Delivery Callback logs7 days90 days
Shorty URL and logs30 days90 days

For example, if you trigger a notification event on 1st January, you will be able to view the Sent logs and Notification Event logs till 8th January based on Default Retention Policy.

To download the logs, click Extract Report and it will take you to Report Extraction Page