Security is considered one of Fyno's biggest selling points since we deal with the transmission of a lot of sensitive information and Personal Identifiable Information.

Therefore while implementing the Security features, a lot of consideration was put in, keeping Compliance as well as client data discretion in mind.

Fyno has 2 types of Security features that can be enabled for your account:

  1. Masking
  2. Hashing


Only users with 'Owner' as role can enable or disable Hashing or Masking.

Before you enable any of these features, it is important to understand what each one does, to ensure your use case is being covered and you are achieving the security data protection.


Both security features, when enabled, applies only to "Live" version data.


Masking a piece of information means covering it. In the simplest of terms, masking is a 2-way feature that enables you to cover sensitive data points on the Fyno application when it's being displayed.

When and How it Works

Masking, when activated, will be implemented on the below 2 data points that we receive from you:

  1. Data Payload
  2. Destination

Fyno's Masking feature works as below:

  • Fyno receives an API request from your end with one or both of the above-mentioned data points.
  • On receiving the API Request, if Masking is toggled on, then the data will be stored in the database as plain text format
  • On viewing these data points on the Fyno application, they will be displayed in a masked format - xxxxx.


Masking is a reversible feature for current and historical data (for which it was applied previously when the feature was enabled) and can be unmasked.

Enabling Masking

To enable the Masking feature for your account,

  1. Tap on Workspace Settings on the bottom left corner of the navigation menu and click 'Security' which opens up the Security page.
  2. Then find the Masking option and toggle it "on".

And you are all set!

Once done, all your Data Payload and Destination details will be masked across the application. You can see this in the following places:

  • Sent logs
  • Notification Event Logs
  • Workflow Logs

You will be able to see the masked data as a string of "xxxxx" where the sensitive information is supposed to be.

Data Hashing

Hashing is a one-way function of permanently hiding your sensitive data points.

When and How it Works

Hashing, when activated, will be implemented on the below data point that we receive from you:

  • Data Payload

Fyno's Hashing feature works as below:

  • Fyno receives an API request from your end with the data payload.
  • On receiving the API Request, if Hashing is toggled on, then the Hashing Algorithm will be applied to the data points.
  • Once done, this hashed/redacted information is stored in the database.
  • This same information, when displayed on the Fyno application, will be shown as [redacted].


Hashing is an irreversible function. Once Hashing is applied to the data payload, even if it is toggled off, this historically hashed information will remain hashed.

Enabling Hashing

To enable the Hashing feature for your account,

  1. Tap on Workspace Settings on the bottom left corner of the navigation menu and click 'Security' which opens up the Security page.
  2. Then find the Hashing option and toggle it "on".

And you are all set!

Once done, all your Data Payload details will be hashed and marked as [redacted] in the below-mentioned places.

  • Sent logs
  • Event Logs
  • Automation Logs


On enabling Hashing, Email content will be fully redacted!


If you enable Masking and Hashing together, you will see all your Destination details masked and the Data Payloads hashed!



Only Owner can enable this setting

This feature will enable you to add a approval process when anyone promotes a feature from Test to Live. This additional step ensures to prevent incorrect or unintended communications from reaching users.

To enable Approval flow for Templates, Notification events and Workflows, follow the below steps.

  1. Enable the toggle button.

  2. Select the users whom you want to choose as Approvers and click 'Save'.

  3. The Approval card will look like shown below. You can click 'Edit Approvers' to add or remove approvers.