Create an Authentication WhatsApp template

You can create a WhatsApp template with Authentication as category, if you want to send messages such as OTP through WhatsApp.

You can send an authentication code in 3 different ways

  1. Zero tap auto-fill (Use it if you are sending OTP to mobile apps)
    1. By selecting zero-tap, It’s your responsibility to ensure that your customers expect that the code will be automatically filled in on their behalf when they choose to receive the zero-tap code through WhatsApp.
  2. One tap auto-fill (Use it if you are sending OTP to mobile apps and mobile browser)
  3. Copy code

How to configure an Authentication template

  1. App Setup
    1. Package name - This is your mobile app package name.
    2. App Signature hash - This is the signature you used to submit your mobile app to Play store/App store
  2. Button text - Buttons are still needed for the backup code delivery method even when zero-tap is selected.
    1. Auto Fill - This is the default label used. You can override with any other text.
    2. Copy Code - This is the default label used. You can override with any other text.
  3. Additional Configuration
    1. Add security recommendation - If you select this option, the text 'For your security, do not share this code.' will be added to your message.
    2. Add expiry time for code - After the code has expired, the auto-fill button will be disabled