RCS Template

There are 4 different types of RCS templates you can create.

  1. Template Message
  2. Simple
  3. Card
  4. Carousel

1. Template Message

A template message has a 160 character limit. Used for OTP, transactional, typically replaces SMS communication.

To create a new RCS template message, you need the following details

  1. Template Name - Enter the RCS template name you have created in your service provider.
  2. Placeholders (Optional) - If your template uses any placeholders, you can add them here.

2. Simple

To create a new RCS template message, you need the following details

Message TypeContentSupported file types
TextYou can enter any text with Placeholders. Text messages are limited to 1,000 characters
ImageYou need to provide an image URL or need to upload a image file. The file size is limited to 100 MB, and the File URL can have a maximum of 2048 characters.jpeg, jpg, png,gif
VideoYou need to provide a video URL or need to upload a image file. The file size is limited to 100 MB, and the File URL can have a maximum of 2048 characters.h263, m4v, mp4, mpeg, webm
FileFile URL - You need to provide any file URL or need to upload a file. You need to provide a valid file name. The file size is limited to 100 MB, and the File URL can have a maximum of 2048 characters.pdf


Enabling Force Refresh ensures that if the media at the specified URL is updated, the system automatically retrieves the latest version of the Image, Video, or File. This feature guarantees that your linked media always reflects the most current content available at that URL.

3. Card

Send a preview of your website or product in the form of an interactive card. Customers can click the link on the card to view your website or product. Rich media messages enable you to send images, buttons and suggestions for customer replies and actions.

Rich cards contain the following elements (you can always see how your message will look in the preview on the right side of your editor):

ElementsDescriptionSupported File Types
Card TitleThis is the title of the card
Card DescriptionThis is the description of the card
Card OrientationChoose Vertical or Horizontal.
Card AlignmentChoose Left or Right for horizontal card.
Choose Short or Medium for vertical card.
ImageYou can add an image by entering URL or uploading an image file. The file size is limited to 100 MBJPG, JPEG, GIF
VideoYou can add a video by entering URL or uploading a video file. The file size is limited to 100 MBH263, M4V, MP4, MPEG-4, MPEG, WEBM
FileYou can add a file by entering URL or uploading a file. The file size is limited to 100 MBPDF
ButtonsAdd up to 4 buttons to your rich card, giving customers quick replies or actions.

How to add buttons to Card

You can add upto 4 buttons. There are 6 different types of buttons you can add

  1. Quick Reply

    1. Button Title - Provide the text that appear on the message button.

    2. Button Payload (Optional) - Provide the payload that are sent back to the system when the button is clicked.

  2. Visit Website

    1. Button Title - Provide the text that appear on the message button.

    2. Button Payload (Optional)- Provide the message or payload that are sent back to the system when the button is clicked.

    3. URL - Provide a specific webpage or resource that users are directed to when they click on the button. Please ensure you have base URL: as the base before adding variables as suffixes. For eg., https://www.fyno.io/customers/ can be the base URL followed by [customer_name]. So the full URL will be: https://www.fyno.io/customers/[customer_name]

  3. Phone Number - Phone numbers must include a leading +, the country code. Do not include separators. For example, +91 9999900000.

  4. Date Select -

    1. Button Title - Provide the text that appear on the message button

    2. Button Payload (Optional)- Provide the message or payload that are sent back to the system when the button is clicked.

    3. Start Date - If you are sending a RCS message for an event conference, use start date to show when the conference starts.

    4. End Date - If you are sending a RCS message for an event conference, use end date to show when the conference ends.

    5. Event Title - Provide the title of the event

    6. Event Description (Optional) - Provide a description about the event.

  5. Send Location - You can show a location by entering the latitude and longitude or by entering Query.

    1. Latitude - Provide the latitude in degrees. It must be in the range [-90.0, +90.0]. Positive latitudes are north of the equator, negative latitudes are south of the equator.
    2. Longitude - Provide the longitude in degrees. It must be in the range [-180.0, +180.0]. Positive longitudes are east of the Prime Meridian; negative longitudes are west of the Prime Meridian.
    3. Label - Provide the label of the pin dropped at latLong
    4. Query - Enter the query that you would like to search for here. For instance, setting the query string to "Wework Co-working Space" will show all Wework Co-working locations in the user's vicinity. Setting the query string to "32, 5th Block, Jaya Nagar, Bengaluru 560041" will select that specific address, regardless of the user's location.
  6. Request Location - Requests your user to share their location

4. Carousel

In this RCS template type, you can add upto 10 Rich Cards. All the input fields are similar to Rich Card. To know how to add a Rich Card, you can refer this.