Templates - Getting Started
Templates are a one-stop shop for all your message content that needs to be recorded and stored in a safe place within the Fyno App, that can be used when needed.
Be it static or dynamic templates with variable or replaceable parameters for important details and personalisation of messages, we got you covered, as always!
Templates are stored based on the Channel Type as per the Integrations Section. This is the second and crucial step in the Fyno building blocks to create your perfect notification event flow.
Getting Started with Templates
From the left navigation panel select Templates to open the section.
Let's run through the Templates Page to have a better understanding of how it works.
On the landing page, to the left, you will find an easy toggle to change your view between a card grid and a list view, for your convenience.
Your option to filter out only the Live routes is at the top of the page.
- To create a new Template Collection click on the "Create+" button on the right side of the page.
- In the pop-up that appears, fill in a relevant name for the Template.
- Select the channel you want to create for this template, which can be any/all of:
- Slack
- Discord
- Teams
- Push
- In-App.
- Once you're ready, click on "Submit".
Template Collection Cards
On the landing page of the Templates section, you will be able to see all the templates created.
You can also search for templates by entering their names using the search bar at the top of the page.
On each template card, you will see:
- Template Name
- Created time/date.
- The corresponding channels for which templates have been configured within that collection. (Explained more in detail below)
- The "More" (Three dots) menu allows you to:
- Rename your template
- Delete your template
- Promote Test to Live
Updated 10 months ago