Fyno Web Push
To create a Fyno Web Push integration, follow the below steps.
- Navigate to Integrations from the left hand menu.
- On the page that opens, under "Web push" , click on the "Fyno Web Push" button.
- In the pop-up, fill in:
- Custom name: Provide a name that would help you identify the configured account in Fyno's app.
- Vapid Public Key: This will be pre-filled by Fyno.
- Access Token: This will be pre-filled by Fyno.
- Request Origin: The URL of the website into which the Web push will be sent to. For instance, if you're sending a web push to Myntra, you should enter "*.myntra.com" in this field. You can include additional domain names by separating them with commas.
- Owner Email Id: Enter email id of PoC from your account.
- Click on "Add Account" once done and you are all set!
Message Delivery Status
Fyno Web Push, by default, provides the status of the message without any additional set-up needed.
Once the above integration is complete, the status of the notification, which will be shared by Fyno Web Push will be displayed in the logs, when you click on it, under the Delivery tab.
Updated about 1 year ago