With the Fyno SDK installed, let's cover how to initialise it, identify users, register for push notifications, and handle other functionalities.

Initialising the SDK (to be called on app launch)


Distinct ID is an ID that is associated with a specific user and is unique to that user. No two user profiles can have the same Distinct ID.

To initialise the Fyno SDK, you need to provide the following information:

  • Workspace ID: Your unique Fyno workspace ID, available on the Workspace Settings page.
  • Integration ID: The ID of the integration created in Fyno Integrations.
  • Distinct ID: A unique identifier for your user. If not provided, a UUID is automatically generated.
  • Version: Indicates the environment in which the user is created. Default is "live", but you can set it to "test" for testing purposes.

In your main Dart file, import the fyno_flutter package and call FynoFlutter.init() to initialise the SDK:

import 'package:fyno_flutter/fyno_flutter.dart';

void main() {
    Exception? initException = await FynoFlutter.init(

    if (initException != null) {
        // Handle initialization error
        print("Initialization error: $initException");
    } else {
        // Initialization successful

Identifying the User

To update/set a distinct ID or user name, you can call FynoFlutter.identify().

  • Distinct ID:: The distinct ID you want to identify the user with.
  • User Name: The name you want to assign to the user.
Exception? identifyException = await FynoFlutter.identify('distinctId', 'userName');

if (identifyException != null) {
    // Handle identification error  
    print("Identification error: $identifyException");
} else {  
    // User identification successful  

Updating user profile name

To update/set only the name for a user profile, you can call FynoFlutter.updateName()

  • User Name: The name you want to assign to the user.
Exception? updateUserNameException = await FynoFlutter.updateName('userName');

if (updateUserNameException != null) {
    // Handle updateUserName error  
    print("User Name Update Exception: $updateUserNameException");
} else {  
    // User identification successful  

Registering for Push Notifications

To register the application for push notifications, call FynoFlutter.registerPush().

APNs or Google FCM

  • To register for push notifications with APNs or Google FCM, you need to specify the provider type.
  • Use apns if APNs is configured or fcm if Google FCM is configured in the integration.
Exception? pushRegistrationException = await FynoFlutter.registerPush(  
  'provider', // has to be either apns or fcm

if (pushRegistrationException != null) {  
    // Handle push registration error  
    print("Push registration error: $pushRegistrationException");  
} else {  
    // Push registration successful  

For Google FCM, ensure you've followed the Firebase setup mentioned earlier and have added the google-services.json or GoogleService-Info.plist file to your project root.

Xiaomi Services (Android only)

  • To register for push notifications with Xiaomi, provide the Xiaomi application ID and key, along with the push region.
  • Xiaomi Application Id and Xiaomi Application Key are mandatory fields which can be found under the application registered at Xiaomi Admin.
  • Push Region: Refers to the geographical region where push notifications are delivered.
  • Provider: Use xiaomi.
Exception? pushRegistrationResult = FynoFlutter.registerPush(
    xiaomiApplicationId: 'xiaomiApplicationId',
    xiaomiApplicationKey: 'xiaomiApplicationKey',
    pushRegion: 'pushRegion', // one of โ€˜INDIAโ€™,โ€™EUROPEโ€™,โ€™RUSSIAโ€™,โ€™GLOBALโ€™,

if (pushRegistrationResult != null) {  
    // Handle push registration error  
    print("Push registration error: $pushRegistrationResult");  
} else {  
    // Push registration successful  

Fetch push notification token

If you want to fetch the push notification token for the current device, use FynoFlutter.getNotificationToken()

String? notificationToken = await FynoFlutter.getNotificationToken();
if(notificationToken != null) {
  print("Notification token: $notificationToken");

Check if notification received is from Fyno and also handle it

To check if the push notification received is from Fyno, use FynoFlutter.isFynoNotification(messageData) and to handle it, use FynoFlutter.handleFynoNotification()

  • message: an instance of Firebase RemoteMessage


These functions are available only in Android

// to receive and handle notifications when the application is in background or killed state
FirebaseMessaging.onBackgroundMessage((RemoteMessage message) async {
  if (await FynoFlutter.isFynoNotification(message.toMap())) {
    await FynoFlutter.handleFynoNotification(message.toMap());
  } else {
    // any other logic to handle the notification

// to receive and handle notifications when the application is in foreground state
FirebaseMessaging.onMessage.listen((RemoteMessage message) async {
  if (await FynoFlutter.isFynoNotification(message.toMap())) {
    await FynoFlutter.handleFynoNotification(message.toMap());
  } else {
    // any other logic to handle the notification

Merging User Profiles

If you need to merge two user profiles, call FynoFlutter.mergeProfile() with the old and new distinct IDs.

Exception? mergeException = await FynoFlutter.mergeProfile(  

if (mergeException != null) {  
    // Handle user profile merge error  
    print("User profile merge error: $mergeException");  
} else {  
    // User profile merge successful  

Updating Message Status

You can update the status of a notification (received, clicked or dismissed) using FynoFlutter.updateStatus().

  • Callback URL: You can obtain the Callback URL from the notification additional payload if the notification was triggered from Fyno.
  • Status: The status of the notification (one of RECEIVED, CLICKED or DISMISSED).
Exception? updateStatusException = await FynoFlutter.updateStatus(  

if (updateStatusException != null) {  
    // Handle user status update error  
    print("User status update error: $updateStatusException");  
} else {  
    // User status update successful

Resetting User Information

To reset user information, call FynoFlutter.resetUser().

  • You can invoke this function when the user logs out of the application.
  • It handles the deletion of channel data associated with the current user, initiates the creation of a fresh user profile, and transfers the channel data to the newly created profile.
  • This feature proves to be invaluable if you plan to send push notifications to an application where the user has logged out.
Exception? resetUserException = await FynoFlutter.resetUser();

if (resetUserException != null) {  
    // Handle user information reset error  
    print("User information reset error: $resetUserException");  
} else {  
    // User information reset successful  

Sample initialisation

// initialise

Exception? initException = await FynoFlutter.init(

if (initException != null) {
    // Handle initialization error
    print("Initialization error: $initException");
} else {
    // Initialization successful

// identify user
Exception? identifyException = await FynoFlutter.identify('distinctId', 'userName');

if (identifyException != null) {  
    // Handle identification error  
    print("Identification error: $identifyException");
} else {  
    // User identification successful  

// register with APNs
Exception? pushRegistrationException = await FynoFlutter.registerPush(  

if (pushRegistrationException != null) {  
    // Handle push registration error  
    print("Push registration error: $pushRegistrationException");  
} else {  
    // Push registration successful  