Notification Status

This document explains the different notification status, from initiation on the Client's side till the delivery to the Client's customers.

  1. The following statuses are received after API requests are received from the Client and Fired by Fyno.
ErrorMessage was failed at Fyno's end
FailedMessage was failed at Provider's end
TimeoutProvider failed to respond within 5-10 seconds
DroppedMessage was dropped (due to configuration in Fyno - supression/route/subscription)
SuccessMessage was successfully submitted to the provider

  1. The following statuses are received after Fyno's successfully submits the requests (or Submission Timeout).
QueuedMessage was queued at the provider's end
ProcessedMessage request was processed and sent for delivery

  1. The following statuses are received after the notification is sent from Service provider to the client's customers but undelivered.
INVALID-SUBSubscriber was invalid
REJECTEDMessage was rejected by the provider (DLT/Template/Complaint issue)
BOUNCEEmail was bounced
DENIEDNotification was denied (Push disabled / Call denied)
FAILEDMessage has failed at the provider's end (due to congestion/error/template issue)
NOANSWERCall was not answered (or user was busy)
UNDELIVEREDMessage could not be delivered by the provider

  1. The following statuses are received after the notification is successfully sent from Service provider to the client's customers and delivered.
DELIVEREDMessage was delivered successfully
UPDATEDMessage content was updated successfully
CLICKEDURL/Link in the message or the entire notification was clicked by the user
OPENMessage was opened by the user
READMessage was read by the user (or marked as read)
ANSWEREDCall was answered
DELETEDMessage was deleted/dismissed by the user
KEYPRESSCall was answered and a key was pressed by the user during the call
REPLIEDMessage was replied to by the user
UNSUBSCRIBEDThe user unsubscribed for notifications from this particular message
UNKNOWNThe status received is UNKNOWN. Please report to Fyno in such cases