Fyno Flutter InApp SDK
Fyno's Flutter InApp SDK offers a comprehensive set of notification features within your app. It's designed to efficiently deliver messages, ensuring optimal performance and user experience.
Before you start, make sure you have the following information ready
- Workspace ID (WSID): You can find your workspace ID on your Fyno API Keys page.
- Integration Token: Obtain the integration token from the Integrations page.
- User ID: This should be a unique identifier for the currently logged-in user. This user ID is crucial for Fyno to send specific notifications to the right users.
Install the package by using one of the following commands.
dart pub add fyno_flutter_inapp
flutter pub add fyno_flutter_inapp
This will add a line like this to your package's pubspec.yaml (and run an implicit dart/flutter pub get
fyno_flutter_inapp: <latest_version>
Alternatively, your editor might support dart/flutter pub get
. Check the docs for your editor to learn more.
HMAC Signature Generation
The HMAC signature is essential for ensuring the security and integrity of your notifications. Here is an example of how to generate the HMAC signature in dart
import 'dart:convert';
import 'package:crypto/crypto.dart';
void main() {
String signature = Hmac(sha256, utf8.encode(workspaceId + integrationToken))
Import the package in your Dart file:
import 'package:fyno_flutter_inapp/fyno_flutter_inapp.dart';
SDK Initialisation
To use the SDK in your Flutter application, initialise the SDK as follows
final FynoInApp fynoInApp = FynoInApp();
//Web Socket connection
Reset SDK
To reset the Inapp SDK, typically during logout, call the fynoInapp.reset() function.
There are 3 ways you can configure the InApp UI.
- Fyno UI
- Fyno Customisable UI
- Your own UI
Fyno UI
Fyno Customisable UI
To customise the Fyno UI, you can pass the notification icon and colours you would like to use for the inapp notification inbox.
As of now, you can only change notification icon to any of the built in icons.
You can do the customisation as follows:
notificationIcon: <notification_icon>,
themeConfig: ThemeConfig(
lightBackground: <light_background>,
darkBackground: <dark_background>,
lightText: <light_text>,
darkText: <dark_text>,
primary: <primary>,
lightBackground (optional) - The background color in light mode
darkBackground (optional) - The background color in dark mode
lightText (optional) - The text color in light mode
darkText (optional) - The text color in dark mode
primary (optional) - The background color of primary buttons (if any) in the notification
Your own UI
You have the flexibility to build your own UI. Additionally, you can personalise the icons for actions like 'Read all' and 'Delete all' with your own custom designs. If you are going to use this approach, it is necessary to invoke the following functions.
- Count of all InApp notifications (Both read and unread)
- Count of unread InApp notifications
- List of all InApp notifications (Both read and unread)
- List of unread InApp notifications
- Current page number
- To mark all InApp notifications as Read
- To delete all InApp notifications
- To mark a single InApp notifications as Read
fynoInApp.markAsRead(notification) // notification is one of the items from fynoInApp.fynoInAppState.list
- To delete a single InApp notification
fynoInApp.deleteMessage(notification) // notification is one of the items from fynoInApp.fynoInAppState.list
- To load more notifications (based on pagination)
fynoInApp.loadMoreNotifications(page, type)
// type -> 'all' or 'unread', page should be greater than zero
Updated 4 days ago