Automation Log Details

Automation logs cover a descriptive log of each step of the Automation, and what has happened. Let's take a closer look at the Automation logs and what exactly each aspect of the logs talks about.

You can easily have a look at the "Automation Details" by simply clicking on the Automation log when you see it on the "Automation Logs" Panel.

When the log details open up, the first thing you will see on the left is the trace log for the Automation.

This gives you a bird's eye view of the entire Automation, the path it has taken and what has happened at every step.

Depending on what elements are used for your Automation configuration, you will see the following:

  1. Fire Trigger
  2. Input Trigger
  3. If Condition
    1. Then Scenario
    2. Else Scenario
  4. Call an API
  5. Fire an Event